Building A Global Community Of Workplace Rebels
Our aim has always been to build a global movement to make work more fun. And quite frankly, without the ongoing commitment from lots of people working together to change workplaces for the better, we would get nowhere. With that said, we've laid the important groundwork for the movement to flourish over the next few years—and now you can get ready to join, too.

Building a community
The community we're building is part of the Corporate Rebels Academy. In fact, it's a community you automatically join when you follow a course on our platform.
Since we first launched our online course earlier this year, we've run four cohorts of this intensive six-week journey. That equals 108 hours of live sessions and 144 hours of on-demand content, resulting in our first 83 alumni.

The feedback from the first round of students has been absolutely humbling… but also affirming. We've achieved a net promoter score of 88(!) for the last two cohorts. This means that nearly all students would highly recommend the academy to their colleagues! That brings the average net promoter score to 78, up from 72 after the first two cohorts.
Nice, right?
We're really glad to see these amazing stats. We'd like to give a big shout-out to all the pioneers from Buurtzorg, Viisi, Haier, NER Group, and K2K, who have all worked closely with us to make this course such a big success.
But rest assured, this is just the beginning of something much bigger. We already have lots of new courses up our sleeves.
As a result, we expect the community to quickly grow to thousands of like-minded people.
However, merely providing courses is not enough to build a strong coalition of people changing workplaces for the better. We've got to do more. Much more.
Next phase
We've recently onboarded two new team members to help us do just that.
Karlijn, the newest rebel in town, will be supporting us in the creation of a wide variety of new courses. These will include courses on things like meeting structures, decision-making, feedback, transformations, and loads of case studies of pioneering organizations.
Emma, our other new colleague, will take the lead on strengthening our community. She'll organize all kinds of activities to nurture and grow the impact of our global network of rebels.
She's still devising her plans, but think events, meet-ups, book clubs, webinars, and so on. All of these will be available exclusively to participants and alumni of the Corporate Rebels Academy.

Join us now
If you're eager to join the global community of rebels, your first opportunity is to join one of the upcoming cohorts of our course, “Understanding and Designing Progressive Organizational Structures.”
For more info on that, click here.
We hope to see you soon at the Corporate Rebels Academy.