We're Launching The Corporate Rebels App. Get it Now.
Today is a good day. You know why? Today is launch day! We're launching a big update of the Corporate Rebels Academy. It includes an iOS app, Android app and a whole new community platform with so many new possibilities. Get excited. Here's a preview of what it looks like.

Building a global community of rebels
The Corporate Rebels Academy is the ultimate place to make work better. At the Academy, you can follow courses taught by the world's most progressive organizations. It's where you can learn all about radically new ways of working.
- Wanna run better meetings?
- Improve decision-making?
- Implement self-management?
- Move to a 4-day work week?
- Get better at remote working?
The courses are practical, hands-on, and full of real-life examples of pioneering companies from around the world. No theoretical bullshit, but practical help to change the way you work.
Plus, you'll join a global community of fellow rebels working towards the same.
After a first very successful year, we've worked on a significant upgrade for the Academy. The content is pretty much presented in the same way it was before, with text, video interviews, animations, assignments, and workbooks.
However, the community section has undergone a massive overhaul — it is now much more intuitive and has loads more functions. You can join events, form groups around specific interests, join various discussions, connect with rebels from around the globe, and share your progress with the rest of the community.
Plus, all of it is now available on an App!
Here's a sneak peek into the brand new Academy.
New courses coming up
Last year, we ran four cohorts of our first course: a six-week, in-depth course, titled "Understanding and Designing Progressive Organizational Structures."
In March, two new cohorts of the course will begin, and there are just two seats available. (Interested in joining? Click here for more information).
Aside from the six-week intensive course, we're getting ready to launch more brand new courses:
- In March, we'll launch an on-demand course titled "Run Better Meetings" in which you can learn how to get rid of boring meetings and replace them with engaging, fun, and highly participatory ones.
- In April, we'll launch an in-depth course on distributed decision-making. Learn how to boost engagement by turning every employee into a decision-maker.
- In May, we'll launch the first case study course, where we'll share, in great detail, how one of the world's largest self-managing organizations, Buurtzorg, works.
Plus, many more courses are being created at this very moment. Things are moving fast!
Our Academy newsletter will keep you updated on all news related to the Academy (including early bird discounts!), so go ahead and subscribe to that newsletter here:
Get the app
Want to get a head start and install the app on your phone or tablet? Of course, you do. Visit one of the links below:
NOTE: You can only sign in to the app if you've purchased a course.