I Quit!

Pim de Morree
Written by Pim de Morree May 26, 2021

I'm done. I'm resigning. I don't feel any purpose. I don't like the values. I'd rather spend time doing something I love in a place I like.

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Influencing the world

There are three important roles in which you can influence the world: as a customer, a shareholder and an employee.

As a customer you inspire change via the products and services you buy. Stop buying from companies that destroy the world. Start buying purposeful brands. Doing that supports change to a better world.

Every dollar is a vote.

If you're an investor - big or small - you can influence the world by buying some stocks and selling others. Do you invest in green technologies and responsible fashion brands? Or do you focus entirely on financial return, and maybe perpetuate a system that’s literally destroying the world?

Every dollar is a vote.

Then there's the often overlooked role of employee. Devoting your time, talent, passion and energy to an organization makes a difference. If the company you work for allows inhumane practices in its supply chain, you're supporting that. If you work for a company that does nothing to solve its gender pay gap, you're keeping that alive.

Whereas, if you work for an organization that actively contributes to a better world, you're supporting positive change. You do good by adding value as an employee.

Every workday is a vote.

To quit, or not to quit

Of course, quitting your job isn’t a luxury everyone can afford. But for most reading this blog, it almost certainly is. But few people realize that 'voting', as an employee, is extremely powerful.

If companies realize they have to be responsible and purposeful to attract talent and flourish, they'll change. If organizations don't take ownership for their wrongdoing, and see loads of people quit as a result, they'll change. If companies repel people because of their toxic work environments, they'll change.

Sadly, not many see quiting your job as being a positive thing.
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And importantly, you're helping yourself by leaving a shitty workplace. It's like quitting a toxic relationship. It can be hard to do, but the benefits significantly outweigh the downsides.

I'm not advising you to quit your job today. But I am advising you to consider this potentially powerful option to do good for both yourself and the world.

To quit, or not to quit? That is the question.

Written by Pim de Morree
Pim de Morree
As co-founder of Corporate Rebels I focus on: researching, writing, speaking, and building our company.
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