Kimua Group: Engineering Innovation with a Purpose

Joost Minnaar
Written by Joost Minnaar July 01, 2024

The RenDanHeYi model, developed by Haier Group CEO Zhang Ruimin in 2005, is revolutionary management philosophy aimed at transforming traditional hierarchical corporate structures into highly adaptive, customer-centric ecosystems. Rooted in the belief that employees (Ren) and their entrepreneurial capabilities should align with customer needs (Dan) to create value, the model emphasizes individual accountability and dynamic organizational roles (HeYi). By dismantling conventional silos, the RenDanHeYi model fosters a network of autonomous micro-enterprises within the larger corporate entity, transforming the organization into a nimble startup factory.

To develop and share the idea of Zero Distance and its broader management philosophy of RenDanHeYi, Haier hosts an annual forum to celebrate the world's most progressive organizations. This September marks the 8th edition of the forum, taking place in Haier’s hometown, Qingdao, on September 20. Working with the Business Ecosystem Alliance and the Management Lab, the Haier Model Institute will release the inaugural listing of the progressive companies which are putting Zero Distance and related ideas into practice.

These organizations are characterized by:

  • Zero Distance to customer | Decision what to build is based on insights from the marketplace

  • Autonomy | Small teams with full decision-making autonomy enable speed in execution

  • Shared Rewards | Everyone in the micro-enterprise participates in its financial success

For the 2024 inaugural ZeroDX awards, Haier approached us to list 50 self-managed organizations that showcase the principles of RenDanHeYi in how they organise their work. Kimua Group is one of the 50 organisations we listed this year.

Introducing Kimua Group

Established in 2011, Kimua Group is a Basque company based in Gipuzkoa, specializing in the engineering, manufacturing, and testing of complex systems for handling large cargo in industries such as wind energy, railway, marine, and aerospace. Kimua is driven by a commitment to high-quality standards, sustainability, and continuous improvement—values encapsulated in their unique concept of "Kimuality." The company's purpose is to solve the most challenging problems for its clients, delivering bespoke solutions that push the boundaries of what is possible.

Kimua's reputation as an innovative leader has been solidified through significant milestones, such as the design and commissioning of one of the largest load-testing rigs in the world, Basajaun, which was developed entirely in-house. Additionally, their nacelle lifting yokes are utilized in the installation of some of the largest wind turbines across three continents. These accomplishments reflect Kimua's capacity to take on ambitious projects, positioning the company as a key player in industries that demand cutting-edge technology and engineering excellence.

Kimua Group as an organisation exemplifies the core principles of RenDanHeYi - through decentralized authority, via autonomy - driven innovation to shared rewards.

Organizational Structure

Kimua operates with a flat organizational structure, which empowers employees at all levels to take ownership of their projects. This decentralized approach fosters a culture of autonomy, where decision-making is distributed across teams rather than concentrated at the top. This structure enhances agility, enabling quick responses to industry demands and fostering innovation by encouraging all employees to contribute ideas and solutions.

Kimua’s approach to leadership extends beyond formal management structures, emphasizing collective decision-making and fostering a deep sense of ownership among employees. This model not only drives operational efficiency but also creates a workplace environment where employees are motivated to excel.

Key elements:

  • One single level of management.
  • Decision-making power is transferred to teams.
  • Each team is led by a rotating leader who serves as the liaison with other team leaders, ensuring seamless coordination across the company.

Customer-Centric Approach

A key component of Kimua’s customer-centric strategy is the emphasis on direct customer engagement. Currently, 57% of Kimua's team members have direct contact with customers, and the company aims to increase this percentage. This direct engagement allows for more refined decision-making, particularly during the early phases of development, when understanding client needs is critical. The involvement of various teams in this process contributes to shorter lead times and, ultimately, higher levels of customer satisfaction.

Kimua’s decentralized model is closely tied to its exceptional customer service. By decentralizing decision-making, the company ensures that employees closest to the client can address their inquiries directly, providing fast and effective responses. This client-first mindset, combined with the company’s technical expertise, allows Kimua to consistently exceed customer expectations, reinforcing its reputation as a reliable partner in highly demanding sectors.

Culture and Employee Engagement

Kimua’s culture is defined by its emphasis on teamwork, continuous learning, and employee well-being. The company actively listens to its employees' expectations, fostering a collaborative environment where everyone feels valued and motivated to contribute to the company’s long-term goals.

Kimua encourages employee engagement through various initiatives, including cultural and team-building activities. For example, the company supports initiatives like "Kimua Dantza Kolektiboa" and music projects such as the debut album of Iñaki Labaka, a team member. Kimua also promotes health and well-being by providing professional sportswear for swimming, biking, and gym activities. Additionally, the company organizes four outdoor team-building activities annually, further enhancing team cohesion and morale.

Benefit-sharing among employees is another cornerstone of Kimua’s culture. The company offers competitive remuneration and engages in profit-sharing mechanisms to align the interests of employees with the overall success of the company. This egalitarian approach reinforces a sense of collective achievement and ensures that all employees feel recognized for their contributions to the company’s success.

Key elements:

  • 25% of the profits re shared among the entire Kim team.
  • Regardless of job position, 100% of the team members receive an equal share of this profit-sharing bonus.

Commitment to Sustainability

Kimua's commitment to sustainability is demonstrated through tangible actions and continuous monitoring that allow the company to maintain a "Very Low" carbon footprint, as certified by an independent third party. The company has embraced renewable energy, with 33% of its total electrical consumption from January to July 2024 being generated by its own photovoltaic installation—a notable improvement from the 29% achieved in the same period in 2023.

In addition to renewable energy, Kimua has made strides in sustainable mobility. The company has introduced its first electric vehicle into its fleet and installed electric vehicle charging stations for use by both employees and visitors. These initiatives reflect Kimua’s broader efforts to reduce its environmental impact and promote sustainable practices within its operations.

Kimua also supports local sustainability through its "Zero Kilometer" initiatives, which encourage employees to source products locally, thereby reducing their individual carbon footprints while supporting local projects. The company provides employees with access to zero-kilometer products such as bread, vegetables, eggs, honey, and fresh fish, which are sourced from the surrounding areas.


Kimua Group exemplifies how engineering innovation can be coupled with a deep sense of purpose and responsibility. Through its flat organizational structure, customer-centric approach, and strong commitment to sustainability, Kimua has established itself as a forward-thinking leader in industries such as wind energy, marine, railway, and aerospace. The company’s emphasis on employee engagement and well-being, coupled with its dedication to sustainability, positions Kimua as a model for how modern engineering firms can balance profitability with social and environmental responsibility.

As Kimua continues to push the boundaries of what is possible, its core values—innovation, quality, and sustainability—will undoubtedly remain at the heart of its success. Perhaps more companies will be inspired to walk in its footsteps and embrace decentralization, autonomy and shared rewards as cornerstones of their organisational setup.

Written by Joost Minnaar
Joost Minnaar
Co-founder Corporate Rebels. My daily focus is on research, writing, and anything else related to making work more fun.
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