Presentations & Workshops
Over the years, Corporate Rebels has grown into much more than just a blog. By expanding our activities we’ve been able to grow our impact around the world. Here’s an overview of our talks and workshops.

On a monthly basis, we present our findings at companies and conferences all around the world. We share how to create radically inspiring workplaces. We combine research, trends, success factors, best practices, myths, and pitfalls that we picked up while visiting 100+ workplace pioneers around the world.
Mostly, our presentations are aimed at groups of 50 to 5000 people.
Our most popular talks at the moment are:
- The 8 habits of companies you wish you worked for
- Radical autonomy at scale: How to organize a large company without middle management
- Building a workplace around freedom and trust
- Stop being a manager, start being a leader
Here's an impression of some of our talks:
During our workshops we share inspiration from pioneers around the world and translate it into tangible actions for you, your team, and your organization. Just listening and talking is not going to change the way you work; therefore, we’ll design change experiments based on worldwide best practices.
Our most popular workshops at the moment are:
- How to build a workplace people love
- Radically redesigning your organizational structure
- How to unleash a revolution inside your company
Mostly, our workshops are aimed at groups of 20 to 50 people.
Leadership sessions
We inspire and challenge leadership teams to develop new ways of working, thinking, and doing. What can be learned from the world's most progressive organizations? And how can your organization transform into a more inspiring, progressive workplace?
Some of our clients
Some of the clients we work with:

Want to work with us?
Send an email to for more information.