Rebellious Reflection: The Next Steps

Pim de Morree
Written by Pim de Morree May 12, 2016

About four months ago we jumped head-first into the biggest adventure of our lives. A combination of frustration, inspiration, and idealism made us quit our jobs to pursue a radical career change.

It's been a hell-of-a-ride so far and we continue to share with you the wide variety of experiences. From the theories of the amazing workplaces we see, to our personal feelings, and the progress of our adventure. In our previous 'Rebellious Reflection', we discussed the biggest mistakes we made so far. This time, we reflect on the opportunities that lie ahead and the steps we're about to take to grasp them.

Share more stories

Our Bucket List is the backbone of Corporate Rebels. Meeting inspiring people, learning from them, and sharing their stories is the core of what we do. We believe this is a huge catalyst for changing the way organizations are run. It shows new approaches, solutions to wide-spread problems, and unique perspectives on how to increase the quality of the most time-consuming activity of our lives.

Apparently, we're not alone. We've noticed in the countless conversations with family, friends, Bucket List heroes, journalists, consultants, and complete strangers that it's a topic which interests many. Most people agree a change is needed and are interested in the stories of radically different approaches.

Unfortunately, there's still a long way to go to increase the happiness at work for many. A new study by Ipsos & Steelcase‘s ‘Engagement and the Global Workplace Report’ confirms earlier studies showing a disengaged workforce of a staggering 87%! Shocking and painful numbers that prove the way we run organizations is clearly outdated.

The good thing is that we've noticed there's a huge opportunity out there. There's people demanding change, organizations looking for ways to change, media willing to accelerate it, and pioneers that show us different ways to realize it. We believe that if we continue to share more stories it supports the acceleration of the change to more happiness at work.

The next steps to increase our storytelling

  • Expand the Bucket List with more inspirational heroes (thanks all for the huge amount of tips on amazing workplaces!).
  • Find more lesser-known organizations that challenge the status-quo.
  • Identify pioneers outside West Europe and North America. Currently, the vast majority is located in these areas (if you know any heroes from around the world, please let us know).

Expand our reach

The more people we reach, the bigger the impact we have. It's therefore important to continuously focus on expanding our reach. Lately, we took a first step by welcoming Ian to the team to help us grow both our online and offline reach.

Furthermore, we've been working on some great collaborations that allow us to expand our reach. Over the next few weeks, we'll be working together with a number of organizations and we'll be visiting a couple of events. We will:

If you are around one of these events please drop us a line, we are always happy to meet fellow rebels.

Next steps to expand our reach

  • Collaborate with more (international) media
  • Attend and share our story on more conferences and events
  • Organize events/meetups to:
  • strengthen the movement;
  • gather like-minded people;
  • share unique stories and experiences.

Connect you with the pioneers

We believe sharing the stories of pioneers is an important catalyst for realizing our mission of making work more fun. Their stories inspire us and, in turn, we share them with you to inspire as much people as possible. To make their stories even more powerful, we want our Bucket List heroes to connect directly with you.

Additionally, we want to connect you with the pioneering organizations. As soon as people get inspired by the way some of the organizations are run, we often get asked if we know about any vacancies within the pioneering organizations. Here lies a huge opportunity in connecting you with companies that focus on the happiness of their employees.

The more people search for awesome jobs, the more traditional companies will have to make a change towards those needs. Check below what we'll do to grasp both opportunities.

Next steps to connect you with the pioneers

  • Get the Bucket List heroes to share their stories during our meetups/events/hangouts
  • Include top vacancies of pioneering organizations in our newsletter


Our adventure is getting more attention than we initially expected. We want to use this momentum to shift to the next gear of Corporate Rebels. That's why we are working on getting a crowdfunding campaign up and running. Additional funding (such as money, time, and skills) will allow us to further fuel our mission and enables some of the next steps as described above.

With the crowdfunding, we want to give both persons and organizations the possibility of actively contributing to our mission. More on the crowdfunding campaign will be shared with you next week.

Off we go

The opportunities that lie ahead excite us. We're happy we took this step, and we look forward to the next few months. Even though we make way more hours than we did for our previous jobs, it feels great and we start to understand Confucius' quote:

Confucius 1
Written by Pim de Morree
Pim de Morree
As co-founder of Corporate Rebels I focus on: researching, writing, speaking, and building our company.
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