You Have 3 Options In Treating Colleagues...

In the workplace you can not always change how you are treated by others. But you can change how you treat your colleagues. You have three options.

Option 1: As disposable assets
The first option is to treat your colleagues as disposable assets. You treat everyone as if they are interchangeable, replaceable and discardable—as the means to an end, as throwaway people. You use them when you need them, and drop them when they become redundant.
Option 2: As errant children
The second option is to treat your colleagues as errant children. You treat them as 12-year olds who cannot be trusted, who need to be watched constantly—as if they represent uncertainty, and the potential for failure and conflict. You demand obedience. You control, protect and discipline as needed.
Option 3: As responsible adults
The third option is to treat your colleagues as responsible adults. You treat people in the workplace as you would treat friends, neighbours and other adults you come across in your private life. They are grown-ups, capable of making their own decisions and handling responsibility. You respect them as other adult human beings.
The choice is all yours. We would highly recommend the last option. It is better for yourself, your colleagues, and your business.