The Workplace Revolution: Richard Branson, Haier, And A Ball Of Yarn

Joost Minnaar
Written by Joost Minnaar February 23, 2019

As explorers of radically engaging workplaces, we try to read all notable articles published on the topic. We read them, we rank them and we share them.

We share the most insightful ones. The ones that are vital content to fuel the global movement for better work. They inspired us and we hope they inspire you as well.

Here are our top 5 picks of this month (+ bonus video). This should be your monthly workplace inspiration. Enjoy!

How China's appliance giant helped wipe out GE's middle managers


GE Haier

"Chinese appliance maker Haier, the world’s largest, has more than $40 billion in annual sales. Yet it pushes units to behave like microenterprises seeking new-product growth." We reported on Haier's RenDanHeYi model before, based on our observations in China. It's inspiring to read that the model seems to works in the USA as well.

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Amnesty International has toxic working culture, report finds

(The Guardian)


"A review into Amnesty's workplace culture, commissioned after two staff members killed themselves last year, found a dangerous 'us versus them' dynamic, and a severe lack of trust in senior management, which threatened Amnesty’s credibility as a human rights champion." How sad! And unbelievable...

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The surprising value of obvious insights

(MITSloan Management Review)

Adam Grant Sloan

"Findings don’t have to be earth-shattering to be useful." In fact, Adam Grant comes to believe that in many workplaces, obvious insights are the most powerful forces for change. Interesting piece.

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The Workplace Revolution: Richard Branson, Haier, And A Ball Of Yarn
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Why are young people pretending to love work?

(The New York Times)


"Never once at the start of my workweek — not in my morning coffee shop line; not in my crowded subway commute; not as I begin my bottomless inbox slog — have I paused, looked to the heavens and whispered: #ThankGodIt’sMonday." Spot-on piece by Erin Griffith.

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Changing Virgin Atlantic’s cabin crew swimming policy



Once again Richard Branson shows why every leader should always stay connected to the front line.

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- Bonus video -

Check out this brilliant shortfilm, Purl, by Pixar! It takes on the toxic workplace bro culture and will be recognizable for anyone who's ever felt like an outsider in the traditional workplace.

Written by Joost Minnaar
Joost Minnaar
Co-founder Corporate Rebels. My daily focus is on research, writing, and anything else related to making work more fun.
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Map of Meaning: Change The Meaning of Work Instead Of Organizational Structure
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Three New Management Books to Read in the Next Quarter
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Let’s Fire All The Micromanagers
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Change the Mindset of Employees with These Three Simple Steps
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The leader of a large manufacturing company recently complained to me, "I want our people to change their mindset, but they do not change."…
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