The Workplace Revolution: Work-Life Balance & Social Norms

As explorers of radically engaging workplaces, we try to read all notable articles published on the topic. We read them, we rank them and we share them.
We share the most insightful ones. The ones that are vital content to fuel the global movement for better work. They inspired us and we hope they inspire you as well.
Here are our top 5 picks of this month. This should be your monthly workplace inspiration. Enjoy!
What makes a leader?
(New York Times)

"For a long time, women were taught to “act like men” to get ahead at work. They donned shoulder pads and boxy suits, played by the rules, and acted out qualities that seemed to make for successful leaders — authority, decisiveness, not being “too accessible.” By Jessica Bennett.
Work-life balance is a myth. Do this instead

"If you think about it, work-life balance is a strange aspiration for a fulfilling life." By Marcus Buckingham & Ashley Goodall.
UK workers would back pay transparency to fight inequality - poll
(The Guardian)

"A majority of British workers would back pay transparency measures to tackle income inequality, as calls mount for Scandinavian-style income disclosures in Britain." By Richard Partington.

People can savage social norms, but also revive them
(New York Times)

"Most norms are invisible most of the time. They’re just the water in which we swim. We unconsciously absorb them by imitating those around us. We implicitly know that if we violate a norm, there will be a social cost, maybe even ostracism." By David Brooks.
This Japanese company charges its staff $100 an hour to use conference rooms

"Everything has a price, which helps keep workers focused on the bottom line." By Yuji Nakamura & Yuki Furukawa.