Employee happiness is kinda our ‘thing’, at Corporate Rebels. Our motto is ‘make work more fun’ for a reason! Because why shouldn’t it be?
Estimates suggest that we spend one-third of our lives at work. Most of us have to work, to pay our bills. But a salary is not the only thing we get out of it. Satisfaction, development, and contribution to society are important for most people as well. So let’s look into employee happiness, why it’s indispensable, and how to improve it.
Learn about crucial factors of how to improve your employees' happiness.

How disengaged employees harm your business
According to a study conducted by the Queen’s School of Business and Gallup, the impact of disengaged workers is not inconsequential. They register 37% higher absenteeism, 49% more accidents, and 60% more errors and defects compared to their engaged counterparts. Moreover, Gallup's research highlights a concerning trend with 82% of managers found to be miscast in their roles, a likely catalyst for employee disengagement.
Getting and keeping motivated employees: what to look at?
Of course, we can’t give you a one-size-fits-all formula for happy and engaged employees. But we can give you the tools to improve it within your organization or team. However, we have accessible courses that you can follow whenever you want, at your own pace. We also have a supportive community to learn from. Learn how to transform your organization, to get the best out of people. Or change the way you hold meetings. How often could a meeting actually have been an email (and could you have saved the team time and annoyance. Nothing kills innovation more than uninspiring meetings).
Why are happy employees important?
Happy employees are the backbone of organizational success. In fact, studies reveal a direct link between employee happiness and a whopping 20% increase in overall productivity. Sales teams experience an even bigger boost, with happiness bumping up sales by 37%.
But it's not just about the numbers. It's about valuing individuals. The good news: positivity seems to be infectious.
According to Patrick Lencioni (writer of ‘The truth about employee engagement’), workplace happiness means employees are seen for who they are, engaged in meaningful work, and make continual progress. Within that, there is a delicate balance between material comforts and genuine well-being.
Happy employees help your business. They innovate and make it grow.
You could also turn it around. Would unsatisfied teams harm your business? As a matter of fact, they do.
So how do you do it, make work more fun for employees?
Well, that is the million-dollar question. We are trying to piece together parts of the answer to that question. It would be too easy to be able to answer it in one paragraph.
However, there are some very basic things you could start with. In any organization. Happiness is not something you can put off. Talent will walk out. So start small, and preferably today.