Online Course 'Handle Conflicts Better' (Early Bird Promotion!)

Today we launch a new Corporate Rebels Academycourse: "Handle Conflicts Better." Conflicts are inevitable in the workplace, and let’s be honest, dealing with them sucks. This course will equip you and your team with all you need to handle conflict with maturity and grace. Yes, conflict and grace can occur in the same sentence!

We’ve worked hard in recent months to create a course every team can benefit from. The ultimate outcome? Make work more fun. This course is focused on a topic no one likes to deal with. A topic that people love to avoid. Conflicts.
We think it’s time to address the stigma on this topic. You can learn how to deal with conflicts in your own team or organization. Even better, you will learn how to prevent conflicts or, if a disagreement does turn into a conflict, how to deal with it. A win-win situation.
To purchase this course directly, click here.
Cost to the employee
A study by CPP found that the majority of employees (85%) have to deal with conflict to some degree and 29% do so “always” or “frequently.” Over a quarter of employees (27%) have been involved in a workplace disagreement that led to personal insults or attacks, while a similar percentage (25%) have seen conflict lead to sickness or absence.
Add because it’s shitty to deal with conflict is why we developed this course!
Are you ready to change the way conflicts are handled in your team or organization?
Fully on-demand
The course is on-demand, built to study in your own time, at your own pace.
It will help you to...
- Understand why conflicts arise
- Know what the downsides (and upsides) of conflicts are
- Know how to benefit from the upsides and get rid of the downsides
- Understand the Gain an Agreement process
- Bring the Gain an Agreement process into practice
The content is delivered via text, video, animation, graphics, assignments and a workbook. After completing the course, you’ll be an expert in conflict handling.
More than a course
When you purchase a course at the Academy, you automatically join a community. That is, you gain access to our global network of like-minded people who are enthusiastic about changing the way they work—people like you. In this community you can join events, form groups around specific interests and discussions, and share your progress with each other.
Want to hear about a cool perk of being in this community? Once you're a member, any future course you buy will be available at a discounted price. How could you say no to that?
This is a one-time offer: discounted tickets are available
We are offering discounted early bird tickets for two weeks only to celebrate this initiative. The last day to take advantage of this price is the 30th of June. Until then, access the 20% discount offer.
Here's a summary of what you get:
- A practical course on handling conflicts better
- A year's access to the global community of rebels and pioneers
- A 20% discount over 2 weeks to pay €400, not €500 (excluding VAT)
Click here to get your hands on this one-time deal now.
UPDATE: This promotion has ended. To purchase the course, use this link.
You know how the saying about early birds goes...
Time to start the countdown. See you there!